Category Archives: SEND

School Nurse Advice Line

Berkshire Healthcare is launching a new School Nursing advice and support line for children, young people and their families, to offer health advice and referral into the service for on-going support if needed.

The line will be available from 9am-4.30pm, Monday to Friday.

You can access this service by dialing 0118 9312111 and selecting ‘Option 4’ to speak to a School Nurse from our team.

Anti-Bullying Awareness

Research suggests that children and young people with SEN are more likely to be the victims of bullying than those with no known disabilities.

Therefore it is critical that parents and teachers know how to spot the signs that a child is being bullied in order to intervene and support all those affected.

As per the school’s Anti-bullying Policy, if you suspect that your child is being bullied, immediately contact a member of school staff that you trust.  The school will take your concerns seriously and work closely with you and your child to ensure that the matter is dealt with effectively.


Calm Zone

Hello families,

I hope that you are all well.  For those families that are struggling to find some calm at the moment, Childline have added a really lovely page to their website.  It includes yoga videos, breathing exercises and a range of activities, including build your own happy place. I hope that you find it helpful.

Best wishes and take care,

Mrs Mullaney

School Closures: Supporting Young Minds

You will find my recommendations for activities that you can complete with your child during the school closure via the Google Drive link on the main school’s website. However, below are some supplementary activities that you can use at home to promote the emotional wellbeing of your child.  These may be especially appropriate if your child has special educational needs.  Best wishes, Mrs Mullaney

Supporting Young Minds

School Closures: Promoting Physical Wellbeing



You will find my recommendations for activities that you can complete with your child during the school closure via the Google Drive link on the main school’s website. However, below are some supplementary activities that you can use at home to promote the physical and emotional wellbeing of your child.  These may be especially appropriate if your child has special educational needs.  Best wishes, Mrs Mullaney

Physical Wellbeing