The Heights PTFA is a charity run by parent and guardian volunteers. As a parent of a child at The Heights Primary School, you are automatically a member of the PTFA and as such you can attend meetings, vote on proposals and make suggestions for spending or raising funds.
We raise money to spend on improving equipment and resources to enhance the children’s education and the facilities in the school in general. We promote closer links between home and school and we bring staff, parents, pupils and friends together in support of our school.
We would love your input on what we should fund to enhance our children’s learning at The Heights. Your thoughts about school resources, visits to places or talks from inspiring people are welcome.
If you have any suggestions, comments or ideas feel free to come and have a chat with any of the PTFA committee if you see us at school, we will try to answer any queries you may have. Otherwise you can contact us via Facebook, the PTFA Postbox (in the school reception) or email
To ask to join the Heights Facebook Page for parents, please click here:
Parents Facebook Page
There are many ways you can get involved with the PTFA:
COME TO OUR MEETINGS – We welcome all members and fresh ideas, so do try and attend a meeting if you can. Meeting dates/times can be found below.
VOLUNTEER – Offers of help before, after or at events are so valuable and much appreciated. It doesn’t matter if you can’t help on a regular basis; we welcome any offer of support. We also need man (and woman!) power to help with various construction projects at the temporary site. We will send out requests via the Heights Highlights and Class Reps when needed.
SUPPORT EVENTS – Our events are for the whole school community to enjoy, everyone is welcome. Whether a Christmas or Summer Fayre or a social night for parents/guardians, come along and show your support!
There are many ways we fundraise, here are some ideas:
PTFA EVENTS – We run a number of amazing, fun events each year which are communicated via ParentMail – please save the dates!
SPONSORED EVENTS – If you are planning any sponsored events please consider The Heights Primary PTFA as your chosen charity. The school’s running team have regularly competed in a number of local events and welcome new members.
GET YOUR COMPANY TO HELP US – If you work, please ask your company if they would consider:
– match-funding a particular sponsored event or stall at one of our fayre
– donating to The Heights PTFA charity through your payroll
– buying an item from the PTFA wish list
– gathering a team of volunteers to help at the school e.g. Community Support day
ONLINE SHOPPING – If you shop online, you could earn cash back for the school with your purchases. Simply register with The Giving Machine, select The Heights Primary as your preference and we will receive commission for every purchase made via the site. The Giving Machine is supported by most major retailers including Amazon, John Lewis and eBay. Please visit and register today.
DONATE – We are extremely grateful to receive all donations. We accept cash, cheques, direct debit or donations via our fundraising page here
Things that we have funded in the past are:
– An outdoor, natural play area, which the children can continue to change and explore… offering interactive elements, den building and climbing frames to ensure the children never get bored! This will be suitable for all ages.
– A portable stage for school productions
– A Dressing Up Box – a chest/wardrobe, hats (not woolly ones), waistcoats, sparkly tops, belts, shawl type scarves, small jackets and gloves. If you have any of the above please let us know
– A further extension to the awnings around the school.
We will also continue to support school trips and fund school experiences / items
We would love your input on what we should fund to enhance our children’s learning at The Heights such as school resources, visits to places or talks from inspiring people. If you have any suggestions or ideas, please email:
We generally try to meet at the beginning of each term to plan and organise upcoming events but we are just finalising dates at the moment |